Bankers Selection Committee published combined bank mcq exam Tender Notice

Bank Exam date

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Bankers Selection Committee published combined bank mcq exam Tender Notice. E-Tender Notification for selection of MCQ candidates and written examination for candidates for concurrent recruitment of 1229 vacancies of 6 senior banks and two financial institutions A ‘Senior Officer (General)’ of Banker’s Selection Committee.

E-Tender publication of the MCQ examinations of the eight banks / financial institutions of 1229

Name of the post: Senior Officer (General)

Total no. Of posts: 1229

entries: 1,67,023

candidates for the examination: 01 hour long MCQ of 100

Selected for the written examination: less than 20,000 candidates details below

Bankers Selection Committee not published bank MCQ exam date but published  MCQ exam Tender Notice. Bankers Selection Committee published exam date for  Officer post in 5 banks. This banks name   Sonali Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd, Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh.  someday ago Bankers Selection Committee published the job Circular for 7 banks in 3463 posts.

The actual vacancy was 3463 but for a writ in Janata and Rupali Bank in those post recruitment is hold. Today published Combined 5 Bank Officer Exam And Tender Notice.

Combined 5 Bank About:


Post name: Officer (General)

Vacancy: 2574

MCQ Candidates:  2,44,384

Written Candidates: 18,000

Admit: Admit is given already
The 5 Banks/Financial Institutes and Vacancy was:
Sonali Bank Ltd.-363
Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd.-18
Bangladesh Krishi Bank-1722
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank-455

Investment Corporation of Bangladesh- 16

Total Vacancy: 2574
Exam date: Generally exam held within 2-3 month after the tender

Important Links :

you need all exam date and result notification use our android apps.

For more information see below this original Tender Notice:

The Circular was:

More information:

About Admit: Bangladesh Bank admits card some day ago published. when you do not download this admit card. you do not attend this exam. see about admit card: Click here

About Result:  then you need this exam result. you can use our android apps Jobs Exam Alert. this app all time notification all exam date and result. or see this link for the result: Click here

About Bangladesh bank:

Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of Bangladesh and is a member of the Asian Clearing Union. The bank is active in developing green banking and financial inclusion policy and is an important member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion