MACPM job circular 2018


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Today published Master of applied criminology and police management new job Circular. This MACPM job circular 2018  of applied criminology and police management job circular published by Recruitment notice has been published for Master of applied criminology and police management. Total of appointed by 1 types of posts in Master of applied criminology and police management It’s a lucrative job circular and it’s great chance to get the job for employment people. This job is perfect to build up a good career. Those, who want to work, they should be taken out of this opportunity. Master of applied criminology and police management is a renowned Government job in Bangladesh.

If you want to start govt.  jobs career. Then, you can apply for this Master of applied criminology and police management job.

The CMaster of applied criminology and police management published the job Circular for recruitment of manpower. Total will be appointed in 1 types of temporary posts.

Name of Post: see JOB CIRCULAR

Age Limit: have not any age limitation

Last Date For Submission of Application form: 12 July 2018 

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For more information see below this original circular

More information: The MST in Applied Criminology and Police Management is designed to provide training for senior police officers in the study of crime and harm-reduction issues, with a strong emphasis on evidence-based policy and practice.

The Department of Criminology is a research and teaching unit at the University of Dhaka. Founded in 2013 the department’s faculty and students study crime, order, and security from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and theoretical approaches.

With backgrounds in sociology, history, law, psychology, philosophy and political science, the department is actively engaged in national and international criminological research. The Department of Criminology conducts research and teaching activities that focus on the causes, manifestations, and consequences of criminal behavior; methods of controlling criminal behavior; and the relationships and interactions between law, social structure, and cultural practices. Courses include overviews of principles of sociology and law, forms of criminal behavior, legal and criminal theory, victimology, and regulatory issues.

The Department of Criminology, University of Dhaka is recognized as one of the nation’s top programs in criminology and criminal justice. The Department aims to prepare both undergraduate and graduate students for successful careers in criminal justice and related fields. Students who complete our programs are also well prepared to pursue advanced professional degrees. We offer a highly selective Ph.D. and MPhil programs designed to train the next generation of scholars in criminology and social-legal studies.