BASIC Bank Job Circular 2018

bank jobs circular

সকল  চাকরির পরীক্ষার সময়সূচী ও ফলাফল মোবাইলে Notification পেতে  Android apps মোবাইলে রাখেন: Jobs EXam Alert

Today published  Bangladesh bank new job Circular. Bangladesh bank job Circular published by Banker’s Selection Committee.  Banker’s Selection Committee job Circular published for basic Bank. Recruitment notice has been published for basic Bank. A total of  09  (more or less).BASIC Bank Limited has published job circular on 04  categorizes the post. It’s a lucrative job circular and it’s great chance to get the job for employment people. This job is perfect to build up a good career. Those, who want to work, they should be taken out of this opportunity. BASIC Bank Limited is a renowned Government bank in Bangladesh.

BASIC Bank Job Circular:

Post Name and Vacancy: 

Assistant Manager(ICT)-Software Engineer-04

Assistant Manager(ICT)-Network Security Specialist-01

Assistant Manager(ICT)-Database Administrator-01

Officer(ICT)-EOD Specialist-03

Application Published Date: 30 April  2018
Job Type: Bank Jobs
Post Name: Assistant Manager(ICT),Assistant Manager(ICT), Assistant Manager(ICT) ,Officer(ICT)
Official website:
Application Fee: not need the fee. it’s totally free for all applicant
Number of total posts: 09

Age as on 01/04/2018: a. 30 years maximum
                                                      b. 32 Years maximum in case of son/daughter of freedom fighter or Handicapped Quota

Salary:   see job circular, and the other benefits as per the rules of the national pay scale  2015 of the recruitment will be given.

Job Location: As per the circular
Job Nature: Full-time

For more information see below this original circular:

 More information:   you can see Bangladesh bank jobs Exam date and result and you need download this exam admit card you can see all information below.

About BASIC Bank Admit:  Bangladesh bank published admit card before exam held. so you need alert for this admit card.when you want to alert us please  download Android Apps: Jobs exam Alert or click this link: Download Admit Card

About BASIC bank Exam date:  when Bangladesh bank published exam date you can see this exam date by Android Apps Jobs Exam Alert or this link: Bangladesh bank Exam Date

About Bangladesh bank  Exam Result:  Bangladesh bank all exam result you can see our Android Apps: Jobs Exam Alert and our website link: Bangladesh bank Exam Result

About BASIC  Bank:

BASIC Bank Limited (Bangladesh  Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited) registered under the Companies Act 1913 on the 2nd of August, 1988, started its operations from the 21st of January ,1989. It is governed by the Banking Companies Act 1991. The Bank was established as the policy makers of the country felt the urgency for a bank in the private sector for financing small scale Industries (SSIs). At the outset, the Bank started as a joint venture enterprise of the BCC Foundation with 70 percent shares and the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) with the remaining 30 percent shares. The BCC Foundation being nonfunctional following the closure of the BCCI, the Government of Bangladesh took over 100 percent ownership of the bank on 4th June 1992. Thus the Bank is state-owned. However, the Bank is not nationalized; it operates like a private bank as before.